Environmental paint
To protect the nature we have to stop pollute it, so when school’s paint walls, floors etc they should use environmental friendly paint.
Alcro AB is working hard trying to make their products and production processes environmentally friendly. One of their goals is to offer vattenburna products which they slowly have started, making the goal coming true. Their eco friendly products are marked with the environmental trace Svanen which strictly focuses on environmental friendly content and production.
Environmental furniture
School’s can either buy used furniture’s so they don’t become thrown away and wasted. Another possible solution is to buy environmental friendly furniture’s for a good cause.
Light electricity
Schools should invest in economical light bulbs which are better than the normal because a normal light bulb use 5 times more energy and the economical light bulbs live ten times longer and save 80 percent electricity. But they contain quicksilver and there for have to be recycled.
Vegetarian food
Schools should serve at least once or two times a week only vegetarian food.
It is proved that vegetarian food is climate smart compared to animalistic products.
Vegetarian food contribute with 50% less greenhouse affect in comparison to animalistic products.