torsdag 17 december 2009

Tips for schools:

Environmental paint
To protect the nature we have to stop pollute it, so when school’s paint walls, floors etc they should use environmental friendly paint.
Alcro AB is working hard trying to make their products and production processes environmentally friendly. One of their goals is to offer vattenburna products which they slowly have started, making the goal coming true. Their eco friendly products are marked with the environmental trace Svanen which strictly focuses on environmental friendly content and production.

Environmental furniture
School’s can either buy used furniture’s so they don’t become thrown away and wasted. Another possible solution is to buy environmental friendly furniture’s for a good cause.

Light electricity
Schools should invest in economical light bulbs which are better than the normal because a normal light bulb use 5 times more energy and the economical light bulbs live ten times longer and save 80 percent electricity. But they contain quicksilver and there for have to be recycled.

Vegetarian food
Schools should serve at least once or two times a week only vegetarian food.
It is proved that vegetarian food is climate smart compared to animalistic products.
Vegetarian food contribute with 50% less greenhouse affect in comparison to animalistic products.
Examples of different food delivery companies which are ecological:

Matsam is a company in Stockholm delivering food to schools with the focus on ecologically grown provisions. Their menu is based on nourishment calculations and they offer diet food as well as adjusted meals because of religious reasons etc.

Carolas eko is a company in Stockholm making food from the base using raw ecologic materials and adjust the food depending on the season.

Klein’s corner in Stockholm deliver food to about 20 schools and the transport to our school is less then 15 minutes. The food is in general 80-90 % ecologic and they try to always have ecologic milk and salad. A goal is to decrease the meat consumption as much as possible and have a vegetarian day at least once a week but they throw away the food that is over.

What is happening with the snow?

As most people have noticed the snow came very late this year but also for the past years. The weather has changed drastically not just in Stockholm but also worldwide. We have also witnessed many natural catastrophes all over the world.

The first actual snowfall this year occurred 12 December, just in time for Christmas. However, it was not like this a few years ago. For every year that passes by, the snow falls in fewer amounts. A number of people enjoy the fact that there is less snow and much hotter in the summer though there are actions that most people do not think about that has effected this climate change. Everyone has contributed more or less to this global change in their own way. While we are harming the world, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing radically and if we do not do something about this situation, by 2050 the temperature will increase with four degrees C. Nevertheless if we do not act now, this might be one of our last endangered winters here in Stockholm.

“The era of procrastination, of half measures, of soothing and baffling expedients of delay are coming to a close. In its place, we are entering a period of consequences.”
- Winston Churchill

Things students and teachers can do in school to reduce the pollution.

Change the regular light bulbs to low-energy light bulbs

Put isolation between the glasses in the windows to minimize the cold coming in, so that you won’t use the elements that much which saves energy.

• Throw paper in separate trash bins, and bottles in another and then the rest of the waste in a different bin, so that you later can recycle it easier.

• Use recyclable pens and paper that can be sold in school.

• Have many plants, because they work as both decoration and keep the carbon dioxide and oxygen is released.

• Ecological food and locally produced to lower the transportation.

• Only print when it is necessary, do not print stuff you will not need. Email it to one and other instead.

• Do not have the lights on when it is not needed.

•Cut as much beef out of your diet as possible. The meat industry is responsible for 18 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions.

•Use both sides of paper and then recycle. Only 9 percent of the 8 million tons of paper used each year is recycled.